If you’re feeling run down, overworked, overwhelmed and just sick of having so much on you plate, you’re in the right place.

Look, we’ve all been there. Feeling this way at times is normal— but we have to be able to rest, recover and come out of it.
Sometimes when we get caught in this state, it’s easy to get stuck there.

This can affect our mood, our energy, our food choices, our sleep, our productivity and our health!


here’s a bit of the science behind this.

it will help if you get to know a bit about your hormones..  and their pals, the adrenals. 

I'll save you a long drawn out explanation and simply say-- your hormones (chemical messengers) are controlling so much of how you feel day to day, from your mood to your energy.

They're controlling how your body can cope and respond to the stress that's put on it-- and I'm not just talking about work and typical life stress-- I'm talking about stress from food, stress from inefficient digestion, stress from lack of sleep, stress from ruminating negative thoughts that make us feel like crap, stress from environmental pollutants, stress from addictions (and I'm not just talking about addictions to drugs and alcohol), stress from the gym, stress from not recovering properly from the gym.. and so on and so forth. 

The bottom line that I want you to know, that there is a connection between your brain and the way your adrenal glands talk and respond to each other.
Your adrenals (which sit on top of your kidneys and pump out stress hormones like cortisol..but also sex hormones), are your resilience glands. 

You've got stress?

Your adrenals kick into fight the fire and quench inflammation. 
They kick in to save you from your stress.  #blessthem

You've got a lot of stress?

Then you've got adrenals keeping your body in a state where burning fat, having a normal metabolism,  having babies, having nice skin, feeling good, digesting, sleeping and feeling relaxed is not a priority.  You might feel frustrated, but your body is very intelligent and everything it's doing, it's doing to help protect you and to help “keep you alive”.

People get stuck in this perpetual state of "fight or flight"  or what I like to call a state of chronic "HOLY FRIG".. and when this happens, your body reacts...

When we get stuck in chronic fight or flight, this is what can happen:

The symptoms, as you’ll see below are SO vast and far reaching, this is because stress literally affects every area of your health. 

Here are some of the symptoms you might struggle with:

  • Fatigue

  • Difficulty getting out of bed in the morning

  • Sleep issues or insomnia

  • Anxiety

  • Low stress threshold 

  • Thyroid Issues or Hashimoto’s

  • Auto Immune Conditions

  • Brain Fog

  • Intense food cravings

  • Muscle loss

  • Skin issues (acne, eczema, psoriasis)

  • Weight gain

  • Trouble losing weight

  • Low libido

  • Relentless PMS Symptoms

  • Irregular periods

  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

  • Endometriosis

  • Fibrocystic Breasts

  • Infertility Struggles

The cool thing is that even though the symptoms are vast and quite complex, often times when you address a few key things in your lifestyle everything starts to fall into better alignment.

Ready to shed your stress?