Simply Nourished with Danielle Zies

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Golden Nourishment with Turmeric

Turmeric is a golden herb. Literally and figuratively.

Known for its rich yellow colouring, turmeric has a peppery flavour that has been used in cuisine from East India and the Middle East for thousands and thousands of years. It is also the reason behind the vibrant yellow of curry powders.

Aside from adding delicious flavour to food, turmeric is very medicinal. Curcumin, the primary therapeutic compound in turmeric has over 8,000 peer-reviewed articles noting the various health benefits of it[i].  At the top of this list, turmeric is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties[ii]. It is great for reducing inflammation in the joints. If you have arthritis, increasing your intake of turmeric and curcumin is a fantastic support to help reduce pain.

Turmeric is also a potent antioxidant that is helpful for quenching damaging free-radicals in the body, while assisting in supporting blood pressure levels and supporting a healthy heart[iii].

Many studies have shown the benefits of curcumin in preventing, slowing and combatting cancer[iv] and this is supported in the fact that as an antioxidant, it helps strengthen and protect our immune system.

Studies have also found that curcumin can cross the blood-brain barrier, giving it access to the brain[v]. The benefits this can have on our brain health is incredible in terms of reducing inflammation there. By reducing inflammation in the brain, we can potentially help to ward off dementia and Alzheimer’s in our later years. Studies have shown that curcumin can increase brain neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine[vi], making it a great natural mood booster. Click here to read more about the amazing benefits of curcumin!

There are a few tips to note when it comes to taking turmeric regularly:

  • You can increase the absorption of curcumin by 2000% percent when you consume it with bioperine (black pepper)- whenever you eat or drink turmeric at home, I recommend getting the most out of this medicinal food by having a bit of black pepper with it.

  • Turmeric is fat soluble, meaning it doesn’t fully dissolve unless it is with a fat. Pair it with a little bit of coconut oil to increase your absorption even more.

  • Most of the studies are done on CURCUMIN, the medicinal component in turmeric, and at quite high doses. You would need to eat a lot of turmeric to get to these amounts. I do recommend if you are looking to support a specific health issue with turmeric, that you look into a potent supplement to increase the efficacy.

The recipe I’m sharing today is my Simply Nourished Golden Morning Elixir. It’s great for the liver and for supporting your immune system, but it is also a rich dose of really absorbable turmeric. When consumed regularly, it can help encourage the benefits mentioned above.

Simply Nourished Golden Morning ELIXIR

This recipe is SO killer. I drink it regularly a few times a week, but especially if I'm feeling like my immune system needs a little extra TLC. This my friends, is pure anti-inflammatory, brain food. 

Blend the following ingredients:

·      2-3 cups water (can use hot or cold- depending on your preference that day)

·      ½ tsp ground turmeric

·      ½ tsp ground ginger

·      3 tbsp lemon juice

·      1 tbsp coconut oil

·      4 grinds or a few peppercorns of black pepper

·      1 tbsp of Manuka honey

·      Optional: a few ice cubes

Blend everything together in your blender. Strain if desired.  Serves 2 (or 1 generously )

(Alternatively, you can substitute warm coconut milk in place of water and omit the lemon for a more traditional "Golden Milk".   So yummy, I love this version too).  


Enjoy, sweet loves!
xo Danielle








