Simply Nourished with Danielle Zies

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DIY Super Charged Electrolyte Drinks

Hey all you go-getters,

I love seeing how healthy Toronto is. I see so many people outside getting their sweat on, embracing these precious summer days.

Did you know that even though you drink plenty of water, you might not be absorbing it as effectively as you would hope? In a previous post, I discuss the importance of keeping hydrated and the vast benefits of doing so. 

We can't speak about hydration without speaking about electrolytes, so first: 

What are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are more than just "Gatorade". They are essential minerals that are dissolved in body fluids (like water) and direct water to the areas of the body it needs to go. They play a role in the transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction (your heart is a muscle!), and proper cellular functioning.  Minerals are magical and 100% vital to good health.

When you add electrolytes to your water, you help your body absorb it better because those minerals will direct the fluids to the body parts that need them the most. 

DIY At Home Healthy "Gatorade" Recipe

You probably already have the stuff on hand to make these essential mineral loaded cocktails. They are really easy to make and compared to buying a sports drink at the store, you'll spare yourself the empty carbohydrates from simple sugars and from additives like food colouring... which though maybe pretty to look at,  is not so pretty for your insides. 

Absorb your water better and help promote an alkaline pH in the body, while helping to keep your cells (and skin) plump and juicy with these Simply Nourishing recipes: 

Recipe 1: Magical Maple Mineral Drink

  • 16oz filtered water

  • juice of 1 lemon

  • 1/2 tsp sea salt

  • 1-2 tbsp dark maple syrup

Recipe 2: Charged Up Chia Drink

  • 16oz filtered water

  • juice of 1 lime

  • 1 tbsp raw honey

  • 1-2 tbsp chia seeds

  • (for an optional added boost sprinkle in a pinch or two of sea salt)

Chia is rich in minerals, protein and antioxidants. These tiny little seeds absorb over 10 times their weight in water, they help your body retain electrolytes. This drink is awesome to have on hand during tough spinning classes, hot yoga or other workouts where your endurance is tested.

Just throw all the ingredients in a glass, stir them up and drink up. 

P.S. Because chia does absorb so much water.. the seeds do tend to get a little gel-like. You have been warned. I like to pretend it's a healthy version of those Orbitz drinks from back in the day.

Have a juicy week! Cheers!