Posts tagged healthy hormones
Hormonal Acne: How to Eat + How to Deal

Let’s face it, acne sucks.
There is absolutely no doubt about it.

Acne is a sign from your body that something is off, that something needs some of your tender love and attention. When we stop looking at our skin with frustration and anger, we can start looking at it with patience, gratitude and love—which is probably what your body is really craving over the latter.

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Estrogen Dominance: Signs you have it + How to lower it

For many, estrogen dominance is generally understood as simply having too much of the sex hormone estrogen. For men, it’s feared because estrogen is often thought of as a ‘female hormone” and too much can effect sexual function and stamina.

For women, we might start feeling concerned about our breast health, the stubborn weight gain and the uncomfortable monthly symptoms that can be brought about when we have too much (or too little) of this hormone. It has a bad rep! In this post we will go over what it looks like if you have too much of this hormone, why this is common and what to do about it if you do!

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